The Maharashtra Fire Services Personnel Welfare Association
The Maharashtra Fire Services Personnel Welfare Association has been established as per Government Resolution, Urban Development, Public Health & Housing Department No.FFS/3070/58818/R, dated 27th May, 1974 for the welfare of the Fire Service Personnel in the State of Maharashtra. The Maharashtra Fire Services Personnel Welfare Association has been registered as Public Charitable Trust with Charity Commissioner, under Bombay Public Trust Act,1950. Its registration number is E-5888, Mumbai. This Association is also registered under section 12A (a) of the Income Tax Act vide Registration No.I.N.S./T.R.38799. The amount of donation is exempted from the income tax u/s 80-G (5) (iv) of Income Tax Act, 1961, vide Income Tax Department order No.A.N.(C)/M.N./80-G/3266/2006/2006-07, dated 15-12-2006 (Valid from 01-04-2006 to 31-03-2009). The Fire Adviser to the Director, Maharashtra Fire Services, Government of Maharashtra is the President of the Association by Constitution. The main charitable objects of the Trust as embodied in the Constitution of the Association are as follows:
- To promote general welfare of the Fire Services Personnel & their families.
- To co-operate with other Association and bodies in India having similar objects
- To Foster a spirit of Goodwill and co-operation amongst all those who have served in the Fire Services.
The above charitable objects cover educational facility, help to economically distressed & need and medical relief to the families of fireman serving with various organization in the State of Maharashtra. The Association is making continuously efforts to collect funds and utilize the same for the welfare of Fire Services Personnel and their families in the State as per its Public Charitable objects.
To pay tribute to the Fire Fighters who devoted their lives on 14th April,1944, while fighting the fire followed by explosions in Bombay Dock, the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi has declared this day as a ‘National Fire Service Day’ and Week followed by it a National Fire Service Week. During this Week, the Fire Service Pin Flags are pinned-up to the general donors. Generally on 14th April, the inauguration of Fire Service Week & Fire Service Personnel Welfare Fund Raising Campaign is done at the auspicious Hands of His Excellency the Governor of Maharashtra and the Chief Minister, other Cabinet Ministers and Senior Bureaucrats. During the Fire Service Week, Pin Flags are pinned-up to the general public and donations received from them for the benevolent funds is to be used for the welfare of the Fire Services Personnel and their families.
Please see the Revised Welfare Schemes [Appendix-A] of the Maharashtra Fire Service Personnel Welfare Association, Application of Life Membership [Appendix-B], Application for grant of Medial / Financial Aid [Appendix-C] and the Application for grant of Scholarship [Appendix-D].